CSS layouts: fixed, rubber, elastic. Pros and cons
What layout layout (using Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) can be considered the best? Each of them has its own hacks (quirks) and its own unique pros and cons. Will one…

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Computer Upgrade
I'll start with the upgrade, as it can slightly influence the decision of what is right for you. Upgrade (Upgrade) - this word means updating or improving what is, in…

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How hackers turn our printers, cameras and thermostats into sinister cyber army
In the fall, several large hacker attacks took place in which IoT devices were used. One of them is for Russian banks. The Daily Poster tells the story of other…

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this hosting

Why everyone hated Apple and why they were wrong

Apple’s latest technical solutions have made a lot of noise. In the iPhone 7, the jack slot disappeared, in the new MacBook the usual connectors are replaced with USB Type-C and there is no memory card slot. Poster Daily recalls all the joys that engineers from Cupertino deprived us of, and why it is difficult to argue with them.
Apple for 30 years with an enviable persistence has been producing computers of closed architecture under the control of its own operating system. Neither the popularity of the PC as a gaming platform, nor the recognition in 2006 that Intel chips were better than their own could convince them of this. It turns out that the company, which we used to consider the most important developer of innovations, is in fact very conservative and rational in the market. By tradition, Apple itself decides what is needed and what Continue reading

D-Link DIR-300 Setup

The DIR-300 router has been discontinued today, and its more modern version, DIR-300NRU, can be seen on sale. The difference between them is small: slightly different interfaces (NRU cannot be restarted through the interface), different versions of Wi-Fi (G and stripped-down N), different firmware and Russification files. Otherwise, the information is relevant for the new version of the router.

In fact, the English word route means a route. Therefore, correctly and in Russian this device is called a router. But since everyone will look for a router anyway, I will use this name. The article will focus on configuring the DIR-300 router from D-Link. Continue reading

Windows Maintenance Programs

Computer maintenance can be both physical (dust removal, etc.) and software. The second is more related to the operating system, since the software maintenance of the PC itself at home is only an update to the BIOS of the motherboard.

In all other cases, software maintenance refers to the work of cleaning and optimizing the operating system. All this is done using special programs, which are listed in the article.

CPUZCPUZ Go to the website
Information about the processor, memory and motherboard of the computer. It is possible not only to obtain information about the main components and characteristics of the computer, but also to save this information in the form of a convenient detailed table. I often use this when servicing a PC. Continue reading

Apple Pay: what is it and how to use it
Apple Pay is a payment system that allows you to pay for goods in stores by attaching an Apple mobile device to the terminal. The system works according to the…


Modernization of old PCs
Immediately, I note that the article is not one year old and it was left on the site for a change. It is clear that now on the market there…


Where to start creating your own website
Where do any construction work begin? Can I hammer a nail without a hammer? Maybe yes. But is such work convenient and practical? And will it be effective? The questions…
