D-Link DIR-300 Setup
The DIR-300 router has been discontinued today, and its more modern version, DIR-300NRU, can be seen on sale. The difference between them is small: slightly different interfaces (NRU cannot be…

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Why Kaspersky is not installed
The question of why Kaspersky is not installed is asked by many users. It is no secret to anyone that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is today considered one of the most popular…

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The central processing unit (CPU) is the core of the computer, so to speak its main brain, that component that performs the bulk of the computer’s work. They usually call…

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responsible procedure

Where to start creating your own website

Where do any construction work begin? Can I hammer a nail without a hammer? Maybe yes. But is such work convenient and practical? And will it be effective? The questions are rhetorical, but the conclusions reached directly relate to the creation of sites – without proper and convenient tools, creating a site is impossible. Therefore, the first thing you should seriously think about when planning this most interesting activity is the choice of tools for website building. In our case, it will be special software, a set of programs with which the user will have the opportunity to create his own site.
The easiest way to become the owner of a new resource is to order a site in a specialized company. Moreover, such a company can be entrusted not only with the development of design and writing of program code, but Continue reading

Advanced CSS Hacks Collection

A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser.
Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also if certain browser features are used to speed up the rendering of a web page in it (for example, CSS3 properties)

Despite their fame, there are many rarely used ones.
For example, a stylesheet that will be visible to all browsers except IE versions 5-8.
<! – [if! IE] -> <link href = “styles.css” rel = “stylesheet” media = “all” /> <! – [endif] -> Continue reading

CSS layouts: fixed, rubber, elastic. Pros and cons

What layout layout (using Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) can be considered the best? Each of them has its own hacks (quirks) and its own unique pros and cons. Will one of them be more user friendly than everyone else? How easy will it be? What problems do each of them have and how to get around them? Is one of them easier to compose than the rest? Is there any defective, completely unsuitable among them? Most likely, many will unequivocally answer these questions, but I will not be in such a hurry. I like each of these layouts, and each is applicable in one way or another, if you do it wisely and carefully check the ease of use and equal accessibility for all categories of users. All of them are part of the presentational layer for the website, so most accessibility issues arise from the correct use of semantics and general layout rules. Next, I Continue reading

The monitor is no secret to anyone, it shows us a picture, it’s difficult to work without it. At the moment, on the market you can find LCD monitors. In…


Internet marketing
Internet marketing is an organization of marketing in the Internet environment. Internet marketing methods include: design and development of Internet sites, contextual advertising banner advertising search engine marketing e-mail marketing,…


Computer Upgrade
I'll start with the upgrade, as it can slightly influence the decision of what is right for you. Upgrade (Upgrade) - this word means updating or improving what is, in…
