Computer assembly, pitfalls
Assembling a computer, especially a new one, is a lottery game. A number of factors that are not dependent on the builder can lead to the fact that the computer…

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Why everyone hated Apple and why they were wrong
Apple's latest technical solutions have made a lot of noise. In the iPhone 7, the jack slot disappeared, in the new MacBook the usual connectors are replaced with USB Type-C…

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Rules of work and behavior on the Internet
Every Internet user should be clearly aware that the Internet can not only benefit, but also cause considerable harm. To avoid trouble, strictly follow the recommendations and rules listed below.…

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replacing capacitors

Where to start creating your own website

Where do any construction work begin? Can I hammer a nail without a hammer? Maybe yes. But is such work convenient and practical? And will it be effective? The questions are rhetorical, but the conclusions reached directly relate to the creation of sites – without proper and convenient tools, creating a site is impossible. Therefore, the first thing you should seriously think about when planning this most interesting activity is the choice of tools for website building. In our case, it will be special software, a set of programs with which the user will have the opportunity to create his own site.
The easiest way to become the owner of a new resource is to order a site in a specialized company. Moreover, such a company can be entrusted not only with the development of design and writing of program code, but Continue reading

How to install WordPress on hosting

In order to install WordPress on hosting, you need to follow a few steps that we will do now. So, how to install WordPress on hosting.

Step # 1 – Creating Your Domain Directory
Log in to the control panel of your hosting (example on the IspManager 5 panel), create a domain that you should have already registered. If you have not registered a domain, it is best to do it here.

To create the root folder of a domain, click on the menu on the left “www” – “www-domains”. Then to “create”. After that, a window with the WWW-domain tab will open in front of you. Enter the following: Continue reading

Advanced CSS Hacks Collection

A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser.
Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also if certain browser features are used to speed up the rendering of a web page in it (for example, CSS3 properties)

Despite their fame, there are many rarely used ones.
For example, a stylesheet that will be visible to all browsers except IE versions 5-8.
<! – [if! IE] -> <link href = “styles.css” rel = “stylesheet” media = “all” /> <! – [endif] -> Continue reading

Netbook Choice
Netbook, actually you could hear, or if you saw, decide that this is a laptop, just a small one. Actually, many stores throw them in one pile, but the netbook…


Child lock
I think many visitors to the site have children. Everyone certainly has a computer. And now you just have to turn away, as the child begins to play on the…


Bat files, examples
You can execute all the examples published below not only by creating and running a BAT file containing these commands, but by copying them directly to the command line. To…
