5 fashionable ways to hide from face identification
Today, the face recognition algorithm is used everywhere. And not only in professional tracking systems or smart web services, but in various entertainment applications and basic functions like autofocus. Poster…

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Why Kaspersky is not installed
The question of why Kaspersky is not installed is asked by many users. It is no secret to anyone that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is today considered one of the most popular…

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Disabling Unnecessary Windows Services
This article provides specific recommendations about which services in Windows can be safely turned off with one caveat: if you are dealing with your personal computer that is not included…

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should read

Where to start creating your own website

Where do any construction work begin? Can I hammer a nail without a hammer? Maybe yes. But is such work convenient and practical? And will it be effective? The questions are rhetorical, but the conclusions reached directly relate to the creation of sites – without proper and convenient tools, creating a site is impossible. Therefore, the first thing you should seriously think about when planning this most interesting activity is the choice of tools for website building. In our case, it will be special software, a set of programs with which the user will have the opportunity to create his own site.
The easiest way to become the owner of a new resource is to order a site in a specialized company. Moreover, such a company can be entrusted not only with the development of design and writing of program code, but Continue reading

Internet marketing

Internet marketing is an organization of marketing in the Internet environment. Internet marketing methods include:

design and development of Internet sites,
contextual advertising
banner advertising
search engine marketing
e-mail marketing,
Web 2.0 strategies.
Internet marketing provides unique opportunities by providing communication with target audiences, as Continue reading

Why everyone hated Apple and why they were wrong

Apple’s latest technical solutions have made a lot of noise. In the iPhone 7, the jack slot disappeared, in the new MacBook the usual connectors are replaced with USB Type-C and there is no memory card slot. Poster Daily recalls all the joys that engineers from Cupertino deprived us of, and why it is difficult to argue with them.
Apple for 30 years with an enviable persistence has been producing computers of closed architecture under the control of its own operating system. Neither the popularity of the PC as a gaming platform, nor the recognition in 2006 that Intel chips were better than their own could convince them of this. It turns out that the company, which we used to consider the most important developer of innovations, is in fact very conservative and rational in the market. By tradition, Apple itself decides what is needed and what Continue reading

D-Link DIR-300 Setup
The DIR-300 router has been discontinued today, and its more modern version, DIR-300NRU, can be seen on sale. The difference between them is small: slightly different interfaces (NRU cannot be…


Windows Maintenance Programs
Computer maintenance can be both physical (dust removal, etc.) and software. The second is more related to the operating system, since the software maintenance of the PC itself at home…


How to protect a site from hacking by a hacker
With an insecure site, many troubles can happen: hacking by hackers, attacks, virus infection. Some of the most common attacks: XSS attack. The virus code is embedded in the data…
