The monitor is no secret to anyone, it shows us a picture, it’s difficult to work without it. At the moment, on the market you can find LCD monitors. In…

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Ways to replace the motherboard without reinstalling for Windows 7
As a rule, after upgrading the computer with replacing the motherboard, the user has to install the operating system “clean”, installing the necessary programs along the way. All this can…

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Printers, scanners, faxes, multifunction printers
Faxes, I start with them, because rarely buy a fax home. A little bit about faxes, in fact it is a mixture of several devices, a printer, a scanner and…

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replacing capacitors

Child lock

I think many visitors to the site have children. Everyone certainly has a computer. And now you just have to turn away, as the child begins to play on the computer keyboard, like on a piano. As a result, anything can happen. Therefore, I am often asked questions about how to block a computer from small children.

Also, a lock is needed from time to time, when suddenly you suddenly realize that the keyboard needs to be cleaned, moreover, without delay. Locking the computer in this case is also a more convenient, practical and quick solution than turning off the PC during cleaning.

If you came to this page from a search engine for the computer is blocked, then you should read the article Continue reading

Capacitor Replacement

In the element base of the computer (and not only) there is one bottleneck – electrolytic capacitors. They contain electrolyte, electrolyte is a liquid. Therefore, heating such a capacitor leads to its failure, since the electrolyte evaporates. And heating in the system unit is a regular thing.

Therefore, replacing capacitors is a matter of time. More than half of the failures of motherboards of the middle and lower price category are caused by dried or swollen capacitors. Even more often, for this reason, computer power supplies break down. Continue reading

A motherboard is one of the main boards (components) of a computer. It is designed to connect the remaining components of the computer into something single called the system unit.…


CSS layouts: fixed, rubber, elastic. Pros and cons
What layout layout (using Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) can be considered the best? Each of them has its own hacks (quirks) and its own unique pros and cons. Will one…


Advanced CSS Hacks Collection
A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser. Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also…
