IT consulting
IT consulting refers to the widest range of solutions designed to optimize existing IT resources for the needs of a particular business, its structure and features. Ultimately, its goal is…

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Why the computer slows down and freezes - reasons and solution
Almost all PC users are faced with the fact that over time, the computer began to slow down. But, a few months ago, this has not happened yet and this…

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The difference between Windows and Linux
A small digression about Windows and Linux. Here you understand what’s the matter: Windows is a combination of the core of the system, as well as utility programs and scripts…

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this arrangement

Creating BAT files

People who are familiar with the term batch file know that BAT files can significantly simplify life and save time if you can write and use them correctly. In this article, I will talk about how to create BAT files and introduce you to common errors that usually occur when writing them.

Creating a BAT file is very simple. It is enough to open the notebook and save an empty sheet with the extension .bat by selecting the Save as … option and writing in the File Name field something ending in .bat, for example test.bat.
Indicate the file type as in the screenshot below – All files. Save and get the BAT file.

create bat file Continue reading

Bat files, examples

You can execute all the examples published below not only by creating and running a BAT file containing these commands, but by copying them directly to the command line.

To open the command line in the right place (in the folder with files, for example), you need to call the context menu (RMB) with the Shift key held down:

command line call

You can read about how to work with the command line in this article. We pass directly to the teams. Continue reading

Computer and vision

This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused on CRT-monitors (tube), which could seriously impair vision with regular work on the computer. More than one year has passed since then, and in the Moscow region, few people use such monitors, if only because cheap LCD monitors (liquid crystal or LCD) from 3 thousand rubles have appeared on the market in the last couple of years.

On the other hand, capitalism did not win everywhere and in the vastness of our vast Motherland there are many where tube monitors are in use and many simply do not have the opportunity to buy LCDs for various reasons. Therefore, I decided to add this article and break it into two parts. The first is about LCD monitors, Continue reading

Advanced CSS Hacks Collection
A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser. Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also…


Netbook Choice
Netbook, actually you could hear, or if you saw, decide that this is a laptop, just a small one. Actually, many stores throw them in one pile, but the netbook…


Choosing a Laptop
The first thing I want to say is not to confuse laptops with netbooks. Unfortunately, in the price lists they are all under the name of laptops, but it’s good…
