Computer assembly, pitfalls
Assembling a computer, especially a new one, is a lottery game. A number of factors that are not dependent on the builder can lead to the fact that the computer…

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A motherboard is one of the main boards (components) of a computer. It is designed to connect the remaining components of the computer into something single called the system unit.…

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IT consulting
IT consulting refers to the widest range of solutions designed to optimize existing IT resources for the needs of a particular business, its structure and features. Ultimately, its goal is…

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this arrangement

Modernization of old PCs

Immediately, I note that the article is not one year old and it was left on the site for a change. It is clear that now on the market there is a great variety of solutions and you can buy almost everything. However, at times there are situations when it is the ingenuity and the hands that grow from where it should be helping out. In general, such things are being done, which is called just for fun.

It’s about the case of the PC system unit. It is clear that this is primarily a supporting structure for its components. I believe that the ability to provide ventilation inside the system unit is much more important than its appearance, since this factor is fundamental in the issue of the durability of the entire system and its fault tolerance.

In light of the foregoing, I note that I have seen system units that are different in design, execution, but in Continue reading

Website translation and localization
In technical dictionaries and specialized literature, the term “localization” is often equated with “translation”. However, in practice, localization often goes beyond the scope of translation tasks. What is site localization…


Apple iPhone OS
Preamble: Recently, all sorts of mobile and, especially fashionable, cloud technologies have captured the attention of mankind. Desktops and laptops faded into the background, giving way to more compact and…


Where to start creating your own website
Where do any construction work begin? Can I hammer a nail without a hammer? Maybe yes. But is such work convenient and practical? And will it be effective? The questions…
