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How to install WordPress on hosting

In order to install WordPress on hosting, you need to follow a few steps that we will do now. So, how to install WordPress on hosting.

Step # 1 – Creating Your Domain Directory
Log in to the control panel of your hosting (example on the IspManager 5 panel), create a domain that you should have already registered. If you have not registered a domain, it is best to do it here.

To create the root folder of a domain, click on the menu on the left “www” – “www-domains”. Then to “create”. After that, a window with the WWW-domain tab will open in front of you. Enter the following:

Name – enter the name of your domain in Latin letters, for example,

Aliases – enter your domain name with the prefix www, for example,

Root directory – here indicate the path to the directory of your domain, i.e. www /

The choice of script is “do not install.” Since we will install WordPress manually, and not by hosting, but if you want to install it right away, select a script called WordPress from the list. Installation through hosting is slightly different from manual installation.

Source of IP address – select “specify manually”.

IP address – specify your ip address from the drop-down list.

Administrator E-mail – indicate your primary e-mail address, it can be used to contact the site administrator through the whois service –

Encoding – set “UTF-8”.

Index page – should be index.html index.php

Secure SSL connection – check the box if your site will use an ssl certificate and will be available on the Internet using the https protocol. If you do not want to spend money on a certificate, do not check the box.

SSI – check the box. Read more about this technology here

Enable protection against DDOS attacks – it is advisable to enable it, but it is better to entrust the configuration to the technical support of your hosting.

Advanced Features Tab
Auto subdomains – “disabled”. You do not need to create subdomains, much less do it automatically.

PHP – check the box otherwise your site written in PHP will not work. WordPress uses this programming language.

PHP mode of operation is “CGI”.

PHP Version (CGI) – preferably select the latest version of the programming language.

CGI scripts – set depending on whether you use cgi scripts or not. For WordPress, this is not necessary.

Magazines Tab
Query log and error log – put a daw in these paragraphs. According to the query log, it will be possible to see what requests were performed to the site, and in the error log, it will be possible to see the errors in the site. This may require technical support if you contact her for help.

Rotation period – set the minimum, for example, “daily”.

Store archives – set the desired number of archives to be stored with the data of the request and error logs.

Report generator – you can enable it then you can watch the reports of your site / server in a special web interface. When this item is turned on, a folder will appear in the root directory of the site and reports will be generated.

WWW Domain Optimization Tab
Set compression – check the box. So the site will load faster.

Compression level – if the server on which your site is located, set the compression to maximum. If the server is weak it is better to refuse this option, but then the site will load a little slower.

Set up caching – check the box.

The caching period is “unlimited”. However, you can put a different value on your own.

Step # 2 – Creating a Database
Go to the menu item – “main” – “database”.
Click – “create”. After that, the “New Database” window will open.
Enter the following data:

Name – create a database name in Latin letters. For example, it should look like this – moyabaza. No dots at the end.

The database server is MySQL.

The encoding is “utf8”.

User – “create a new user”.

Username – create a username and write it in small latin letters.

In the lines, think up a password and confirmation, but rather generate a password (you can here and paste it into these two fields. Do not forget to write down all your data.

Remote access – do not check here. You don’t need anyone to have access to the database of your site.

Step # 3 – Download WordPress to PC

Download the WordPress archive from the developer’s site to your computer at the following link
Step No. 4 – Uploading the engine to the hosting
We go into our IspManager admin panel on the hosting. On the left we select – “main” – “file manager”, enter the “www” folder, and then into the folder of your site.

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