Computer assembly, pitfalls
Assembling a computer, especially a new one, is a lottery game. A number of factors that are not dependent on the builder can lead to the fact that the computer…

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Video card
A video card is also a graphics accelerator, a computer component responsible for outputting images and generating graphics, for example, in games. The video card is necessary for the computer…

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D-Link DIR-300 Setup
The DIR-300 router has been discontinued today, and its more modern version, DIR-300NRU, can be seen on sale. The difference between them is small: slightly different interfaces (NRU cannot be…

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Computer assembly, pitfalls

Assembling a computer, especially a new one, is a lottery game. A number of factors that are not dependent on the builder can lead to the fact that the computer will not work stably or even refuse to start. Factory defects, violation of storage (transportation) conditions, a crude version of devices and drivers for them, as well as the totality of all of the above in different proportions.

Add inattention or negligence when assembling a computer as a possible aggravating factor. What do we have as a result? Assembling a computer is a very complex and responsible event that requires attention, caution, and the presence of certain knowledge and experience. So it’s worth it, so to speak, to be savvy before rushing into battle. Continue reading

Ways to replace the motherboard without reinstalling for Windows 7

As a rule, after upgrading the computer with replacing the motherboard, the user has to install the operating system “clean”, installing the necessary programs along the way. All this can be avoided by replacing the main board without reinstalling Windows according to the instructions in this article.

Board replacement algorithm without reinstalling Windows 7
The main reason for the inability to boot Windows after replacing the motherboard (with the fatally inevitable “blue screen of death”) is the inability of the “old” operating system to find drivers for the new SATA controller, since it simply does not have them. This problem can be solved by editing the registry files or by integrating drivers at the stage before replacing the motherboard.

Windows 7 configuration methods in this context vary, depending on the specific situation. In particular, is this carried out immediately before replacing the main board, or after an upgrade at system startup accompanied by BSOD. It is preferable and easier to work with the first option, but if the upgrade is Continue reading

Disabling Unnecessary Windows Services

This article provides specific recommendations about which services in Windows can be safely turned off with one caveat: if you are dealing with your personal computer that is not included in any tricky computer network or is specially configured for highly specialized tasks.

Disabling unnecessary services leads to increased performance – and, of course, saving RAM. The system will not be distracted by unnecessary tasks. In addition, security will increase – if some services that allow you to connect to the computer from the outside simply do not work, then connection is also impossible. Explanations will be given on the example of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Seven – the services on all systems are similar and differ mainly in names. The differences between the names will be indicated Continue reading

How hackers turn our printers, cameras and thermostats into sinister cyber army
In the fall, several large hacker attacks took place in which IoT devices were used. One of them is for Russian banks. The Daily Poster tells the story of other…


CSS layouts: fixed, rubber, elastic. Pros and cons
What layout layout (using Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) can be considered the best? Each of them has its own hacks (quirks) and its own unique pros and cons. Will one…


The central processing unit (CPU) is the core of the computer, so to speak its main brain, that component that performs the bulk of the computer’s work. They usually call…
