Linux operating systems
Linux is not an operating system, but just its kernel. Everything that you are accustomed to see and understand as an OS (buttons, windows and panels) - in fact, it…

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Advanced CSS Hacks Collection
A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser. Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also…

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Why the computer slows down and freezes - reasons and solution
Almost all PC users are faced with the fact that over time, the computer began to slow down. But, a few months ago, this has not happened yet and this…

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after that

Disabling Unnecessary Windows Services

This article provides specific recommendations about which services in Windows can be safely turned off with one caveat: if you are dealing with your personal computer that is not included in any tricky computer network or is specially configured for highly specialized tasks.

Disabling unnecessary services leads to increased performance – and, of course, saving RAM. The system will not be distracted by unnecessary tasks. In addition, security will increase – if some services that allow you to connect to the computer from the outside simply do not work, then connection is also impossible. Explanations will be given on the example of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Seven – the services on all systems are similar and differ mainly in names. The differences between the names will be indicated Continue reading

How to protect a site from hacking by a hacker

With an insecure site, many troubles can happen: hacking by hackers, attacks, virus infection. Some of the most common attacks:

XSS attack. The virus code is embedded in the data sent by the user (in the unprotected fields of the registration form, subscription, order, call back, comment). A knowledgeable user can thus “break” the site, making it inoperative.
SQL injection. An action is added to the SQL query that was not originally there, without violating the structure of the previous query. This allows you to access databases, modify and download files from Continue reading

Rules of work and behavior on the Internet

Every Internet user should be clearly aware that the Internet can not only benefit, but also cause considerable harm. To avoid trouble, strictly follow the recommendations and rules listed below.

• To use the Internet safely, you must have a good antivirus program. At the same time, it is necessary that the installed antivirus can work in monitoring mode – this will allow you to identify a danger immediately when it occurs.

• Use extreme caution when visiting unknown resources on the Internet. Currently, viruses and malicious programs have spread, for infection with which it is enough just to visit a specific web page.

• If you are connected to the Internet through a telephone line, the modem speaker must be turned on. This will Continue reading

PC Recommendations
Now we will consider the question of choosing a personal computer (PC). Immediately it is worth noting that the examples below are taken from the price list of the DNS…


How to protect a site from hacking by a hacker
With an insecure site, many troubles can happen: hacking by hackers, attacks, virus infection. Some of the most common attacks: XSS attack. The virus code is embedded in the data…


The difference between Windows and Linux
A small digression about Windows and Linux. Here you understand what’s the matter: Windows is a combination of the core of the system, as well as utility programs and scripts…
