Cleaning your computer from dust
The topic Cleaning the computer (judging by the queries in the search engine) from the point of view of the user for the most part involves cleaning the garbage of the…

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Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused on CRT-monitors (tube), which could seriously impair vision with regular work on the computer. More…

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Website translation and localization
In technical dictionaries and specialized literature, the term “localization” is often equated with “translation”. However, in practice, localization often goes beyond the scope of translation tasks. What is site localization…

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version also

Advanced CSS Hacks Collection

A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser.
Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also if certain browser features are used to speed up the rendering of a web page in it (for example, CSS3 properties)

Despite their fame, there are many rarely used ones.
For example, a stylesheet that will be visible to all browsers except IE versions 5-8.
<! – [if! IE] -> <link href = “styles.css” rel = “stylesheet” media = “all” /> <! – [endif] -> Continue reading

Choosing a Laptop
The first thing I want to say is not to confuse laptops with netbooks. Unfortunately, in the price lists they are all under the name of laptops, but it’s good…


Causes and methods for resolving error 0x0000007b
If a problem 0x0000007b occurs, a blue screen appears on the monitor. The PC stops responding to any action. In some cases, a reboot may help. Such a problem often…


A motherboard is one of the main boards (components) of a computer. It is designed to connect the remaining components of the computer into something single called the system unit.…
