Child lock
I think many visitors to the site have children. Everyone certainly has a computer. And now you just have to turn away, as the child begins to play on the…

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IT consulting
IT consulting refers to the widest range of solutions designed to optimize existing IT resources for the needs of a particular business, its structure and features. Ultimately, its goal is…

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Windows operating systems
In this article we will look at the types of Windows NT operating systems. Windows NT is not Windows2000 or any other. This is a series, or rather the platform,…

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successfully compete


The central processing unit (CPU) is the core of the computer, so to speak its main brain, that component that performs the bulk of the computer’s work. They usually call it simply a processor, and sometimes because of its flint basis, “stone”.

Processors have been developing for a long time and quickly in stores, now most of them can not be found. In view of rapid development, naturally a lot of models and technologies have appeared, to disassemble them completely is a very big topic, so I will try to describe briefly.
The description of processors is often replete with various technologies, such as a set of instructions, for example, the MMX family, the SSE family, the 3DNow family! etc. Actually, these instruction sets are more likely to be interesting to Continue reading

Windows Maintenance Programs
Computer maintenance can be both physical (dust removal, etc.) and software. The second is more related to the operating system, since the software maintenance of the PC itself at home…


Capacitor Replacement
In the element base of the computer (and not only) there is one bottleneck - electrolytic capacitors. They contain electrolyte, electrolyte is a liquid. Therefore, heating such a capacitor leads…


5 fashionable ways to hide from face identification
Today, the face recognition algorithm is used everywhere. And not only in professional tracking systems or smart web services, but in various entertainment applications and basic functions like autofocus. Poster…
