BIOS update
Updating (flashing) the BIOS of any device is a responsible procedure. I do not write difficult, because there is nothing complicated there. However, any error made while updating the firmware…

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Child lock
I think many visitors to the site have children. Everyone certainly has a computer. And now you just have to turn away, as the child begins to play on the…

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A motherboard is one of the main boards (components) of a computer. It is designed to connect the remaining components of the computer into something single called the system unit.…

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remote control

Linux operating systems

Linux is not an operating system, but just its kernel. Everything that you are accustomed to see and understand as an OS (buttons, windows and panels) – in fact, it is not. What you see is the GUI (Graphical user interface), that is, the graphical user interface, also called the graphical environment or graphical shell. GUI is a program designed to simplify the life of the user so that he does not suffer from the console. In fact, any OS looks like a console, that is, like the good old DOS.

The types of operating systems built on the Linux kernel vary widely both in providing a working environment and in the set of applications available in the OS. This is partly because some programs Continue reading

Apple iPhone OS

Preamble: Recently, all sorts of mobile and, especially fashionable, cloud technologies have captured the attention of mankind. Desktops and laptops faded into the background, giving way to more compact and attractive toys for leisure and business. Our new friends not only know how to polyphony, show pictures and surf the Internet, but also become fashion accessories that cannot be put on a table in a cafe next to a cup of tea, from time to time sliding the index finger on the inscription “Slide to unlock”. But the day is heading towards the evening, your electronic partner is tired and he has to go on a charge. Well, insert the USB tail where necessary … let it rest. Continue reading

The difference between Windows and Linux

A small digression about Windows and Linux. Here you understand what’s the matter: Windows is a combination of the core of the system, as well as utility programs and scripts that perform certain operations and tasks. On this OS, you do not have the right to modify or delete scripts and system software …

When you, for example, change the cursor on Windows, the cursor change job is executed by a script that is already in the system by default. A graphical interface has been written for the script (this is a separate program), which is also by default and which can neither be selected, nor changed, nor deleted. You press the button (graphical interface), run the script and the cursor changes. For Windows, there is one option for the cursor change program. All. You do not have the right to change this. Continue reading

Work on the Windows command line
The most common startup recommendations are: Start, Run, cmd. There is a Run item in the start menu. He runs a program that allows you to transfer single commands to…


Why Kaspersky is not installed
The question of why Kaspersky is not installed is asked by many users. It is no secret to anyone that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is today considered one of the most popular…


How to protect a site from hacking by a hacker
With an insecure site, many troubles can happen: hacking by hackers, attacks, virus infection. Some of the most common attacks: XSS attack. The virus code is embedded in the data…
