Cleaning your computer from dust
The topic Cleaning the computer (judging by the queries in the search engine) from the point of view of the user for the most part involves cleaning the garbage of the…

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Choosing a Laptop
The first thing I want to say is not to confuse laptops with netbooks. Unfortunately, in the price lists they are all under the name of laptops, but it’s good…

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Apple iPhone OS
Preamble: Recently, all sorts of mobile and, especially fashionable, cloud technologies have captured the attention of mankind. Desktops and laptops faded into the background, giving way to more compact and…

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most effective

PC Recommendations

Now we will consider the question of choosing a personal computer (PC). Immediately it is worth noting that the examples below are taken from the price list of the DNS store (federal network) for January-February 2011.

So, you have decided to buy a computer. As a rule, the question immediately arises, which computer or laptop is better? (how many times have I heard this) It is worth saying here that a laptop is more convenient, it takes up less space, it is mobile, but it is more expensive than a personal computer of similar capacity, and accordingly a laptop of similar price will be less powerful. So if the occupied Continue reading

Advanced CSS Hacks Collection

A hack is a method that allows CSS to be perceived only by a specific browser.
Hacks can be used not only to fix bugs in the layout, but also if certain browser features are used to speed up the rendering of a web page in it (for example, CSS3 properties)

Despite their fame, there are many rarely used ones.
For example, a stylesheet that will be visible to all browsers except IE versions 5-8.
<! – [if! IE] -> <link href = “styles.css” rel = “stylesheet” media = “all” /> <! – [endif] -> Continue reading

IT consulting

IT consulting refers to the widest range of solutions designed to optimize existing IT resources for the needs of a particular business, its structure and features. Ultimately, its goal is to improve the operation of management systems and office equipment available at the enterprise for the benefit of the business. High-quality and versatile consulting includes:

IT audit
optimization of existing ones and development of a strategy for introducing new IT solutions;
audit of business processes with various penetration depths.
It is unlikely that anyone today will seriously deny the serious role of IT processes in running a business, especially a large one. At the same time, the larger the business, the more difficult IT solutions will be Continue reading

Silent installation of applications (silent install)
Silent installation is such a process in which you sit quietly and look at the screen where the software installation process takes place without your participation, provided that it is…


Apple iPhone OS
Preamble: Recently, all sorts of mobile and, especially fashionable, cloud technologies have captured the attention of mankind. Desktops and laptops faded into the background, giving way to more compact and…


Nettop Choice
Nettop, like the netbook, was introduced by Intel at the release of the Atom processor. That is, in essence, it is the same as a netbook only in the form…
