Internet marketing
Internet marketing is an organization of marketing in the Internet environment. Internet marketing methods include: design and development of Internet sites, contextual advertising banner advertising search engine marketing e-mail marketing,…

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Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused on CRT-monitors (tube), which could seriously impair vision with regular work on the computer. More…

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Causes and methods for resolving error 0x0000007b
If a problem 0x0000007b occurs, a blue screen appears on the monitor. The PC stops responding to any action. In some cases, a reboot may help. Such a problem often…

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article Windows

Windows operating systems

In this article we will look at the types of Windows NT operating systems. Windows NT is not Windows2000 or any other. This is a series, or rather the platform, on the basis of which the OS is being developed. Almost the entire Windows family is based on this platform. In addition to NT, there is also a 9x platform, which includes Windows95, Windows98, and WindowsME.

Due to the fact that there were concerns about the malfunctioning of programs written taking into account old versions of the OS, the 10th version of the operating system was released immediately after the eighth. Otherwise, the 9th version in the version could be interpreted by the program as the operating system of the 9th series. Details about what NT is in this article. Continue reading

Why everyone hated Apple and why they were wrong
Apple's latest technical solutions have made a lot of noise. In the iPhone 7, the jack slot disappeared, in the new MacBook the usual connectors are replaced with USB Type-C…


Computer assembly
Installation is performed in this order: first, the processor, cooler, random access memory (RAM), motherboard, video card, power supply, hard drive and optical drive. Also consider the problems when you…


Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused on CRT-monitors (tube), which could seriously impair vision with regular work on the computer. More…
